BattleTech icon BattleTech

I enjoy playing BattleTech and run demos as part of the Catalyst Demo Team. It is especially important to me for new players to feel safe and welcome joining this hobby space. See the Colorado BattleTech website to find BattleTech players in Colorado. I also help moderate the Catalyst Game Labs Discord community.

BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes

BattleTech Outworlds Wastes logo

I’ve developed a lightweight narrative league and event framework with simplified logistics rules, BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes.

BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes: lightweight narrative league and event framework

BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes also has a redesign based upon the new Chaos Campaign rules from the Mercenaries Box Set and BattleTech: Hinterlands sourcebook.

BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes: Chaos Campaign: lightweight narrative league and event framework

Mercenary’s Pride

Mercenary's Pride logo

Mercenary’s Pride is a fun project retelling Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice as a series of BattleTech scenarios and comm logs.

Mercenary’s Pride: retelling Pride and Prejudice in BattleTech


I have a small list of common resources that are helpful for BattleTech players.

References: Common references and tools
Sample Forces: Sample 10,000 BV forces
More Sample Forces: Sample 11,000 BV/400 PV
Combat Vehicle Primer: ‘Mechs vs Combat Vehicles quick reference
Classic BV Adjustments: Guide for force BV adjustments